Heart to Home Midwifery is a full service home birth midwife servicing Los Angeles, California. My client was Abby Vidikan, a friend and former colleague from my time as the Web Advocacy and Outreach Specialist at The Israel Project back in 2009. Abby is now a certified midwife and has launched her own business. I was excited to help her with her new venture! Her website is built on WordPress using the Panoramic theme. I thought this theme worked well with the colors and logo imagery Abby chose for her practice. The pages use parallax to flow behind the header and navigation. The website is extremely clean, with a lot of white space, clear iconography, and large buttons. The site has also been optimized & tested for use on mobile devices of various screen sizes.

For me, one of the best parts about working on this site was the timing. I was pregnant with my son (unbeknownst to my client) while working on this site. It was wonderful to learn about midwifery and doulas and the various services proviced, and to immerse myself in that world. I had so much more respect for my midwife in Massachusetts after having built this website and a similar site for Night & Day San Diego!